5 Ways To Promote Infographics With Blog Marketing


blog marketing 5I recently got into the infographic fad. They are apparently what’s “hot” right now. Some think they’re annoying, I think they’re the lazy man’s portal to information. Anyone can make them, they’re fun, not a lot of words, a lot of facts and statistics, and did I mention not a lot of words?

Now that I convinced you to run out and create an infographic, let’s talk about how to promote them with blog marketing.

  1. If you included someone else’s information, ask them to promote it. People love to promote themselves and what better way than to say “hey, my content made it into a cool infographic so check it out!” They’ll eat it up.
  2. Blog it. Create an intro for it, add in the picture, and boom you’re done. Quickest blog post ever.
  3. Share it. Social media sites, like Facebook, are increasingly visual. Post it and let all your fans enjoy the greatness that is your work.
  4. Separate the graphic into sections. If you cut the info graphic up, you can post it numerous times throughout your various social media sites.
  5. Submit your infographic to different sites. There are actually sites out there that are dedicated to infographics and ask people to submit their own!
Infographics are fun and useful, but if you aren’t promoting them the right way with blog marketing, you aren’t going to get any kind of traffic to look at them!