Internet Marketing: 3 Places You Should Be Using Calls To Actions

1. Home Page

internet marketing ctaYour home page is a main area that most of your visitors will see when they enter your website. Your CTA’s on this page should cater to both first time visitors and repeat visitors. Offers such as “Request a Free Consultation” could be good for a returning customer but a downloadable eBook may be a good option for a first time visitor.

Consider both the first time and returning customer audience when coming up with offers and CTA’s and you will be converting both types of visitors into leads in no time.

2. Blog Pages

If you are blogging correctly, you should be writing about things that your audience and customers want to learn about. If you are using keywords and promoting these blog posts, then they are more than likely a place that many users will enter your website.

CTA’s should be placed at the bottom of blog posts and offer something relevant to the post. Let’s say you are looking at a blog about how to know you have an ant infestation in your home. If you place a CTA at the bottom offering rodent removal, that is not relevant to the article and won’t get clicked.

Figure out what kind of offer is relevant for each article. A simple “Request a Free Consultation” is also a great choice for the bottom of blog articles.

3. Product or Service Pages

 The best thing about placing a CTA on product pages is that you know exactly what they’re looking for and can tailor the offer to exactly what they may be looking for. Giving a customer exactly what they want will add more value compared to your competition and will provide a unique opportunity to connect with your customers.


If you aren’t currently using calls to actions or don’t have them placed on the most effective pages you’re missing out on great opportunities to connect with customers. So get started creating great offers or moving your CTA’s around and seeing results!

Do you have any more ideas about other places that may be good to place CTA’s? Let us know!

5 Keys To Generating Leads

Is your website a static brochure that offers information but no content? Are you offering content but aren’t getting great results from it? If you fall into either of these categories, your website needs some help in the department of CTA’s in order to help your internet marketing. Obviously you should be offering advanced content if you aren’t already, but once you have that content how do you market it on the internet?

Marketing your offers can make you or break you. Your CTA’s should be attractive and eye catching, but where you put them can also make a huge difference. Here are 3 places you should be incorporating CTA’s on your website: