Social Media Marketing: How To Use The New Vine App For Business


Demos- do you have something you can demo in 6 seconds? It sounds short, but it’s actually plenty of time to showcase a simple task that you do every day.

Silly videos- customers love when you show your personality. Don’t think that everything you share has to be about your business. Showcase some funny office moments or silly things you do at work!

Conference videos- a snip-it or teaser of a conference can spark someone’s interest in what you’re talking about and look into your topic more. Plus, nobody really pays attention to more than 6 seconds of a speaker anyways right?

Mini-series- do a bunch of small videos about something you do for your business. Let's say you have a pest control company. Try putting up a bunch of short videos showcasing you spraying a house or searching for bugs.

These are just a few suggestions, I'm sure you could come up with numerous different ways to utilize those 6 seconds to your advantage. And if you run out of ideas, grab your dog or cat and you'll rise to Vine stardom in no time at all. 

So now that you have yet another social media platform to manage, go get started! 

Inbound Marketing

Photo Credit: Yinghai via Flickr

social media marketing vineThe newest smartphone app to become “all the rage” has to be Twitter’s new one called Vine that just launched last Thursday, 1/24/13. So what is this new social media marketing app making its way into our already app overloaded phones? It’s a platform where you can share 6 second videos that loop. Think of it as Instagram for videos or in other words, yet another place to view looped cat videos instead of stagnant pictures of them. Can't beat that!  

What’s the big deal about this app? Well, for one it’s brand new and people love new ways to waste time. Those who find their Twitter or Facebook feed boring them can hop on over the Vine and see what kind of videos people are sharing. Another great think about this app is that you can actually use it for business. How do you do that you ask? Great question! Here are some ideas: