Don't Let An Inbound Marketing Consultant Get Your Strategy Sick


As you can probably tell, I also don’t like being very sick. But what I dislike even more than the sniffles is a bad inbound marketing consultant. You know, the one that comes into your life, sounds like a great idea, and then leaves you with a bad strategy and no results. Sort of like how staying up till 3 in the morning sounds like a great idea but can leave you with a headache and the beginning achiness of a very annoying cold. Of course, that’s completely not how I got sick…

Ever wondered how you might be able to spot a bad inbound marketing consultant from the beginning? Here are some tips on how to do that right away or from the very early stages.

Ask them what metrics they focus on most heavily. If they feed you a bunch of placebo pills about increasing traffic and connecting via socials but leave out how important your daily intake of lead generation is, just walk away.

If they aren’t excited about giving your website the medicine it needs, you shouldn’t get excited about them.

They should be up to date on the most recent goings on of the inbound marketing world; the latest diseases that can hinder your strategy and medicine that can fix it. You may not know a lot about what is going on with the Google Panda updates but I suggest you look into a few new terms and procedures, bring them up to the potential inbound marketing consultant to see what they can tell you about it. If they can feed you more than the first line of a Wikipedia search, then you’re on the right track.

Can they give you case studies? No useful medicine is administered these days unless there’s proof that it has worked in the past. Your inbound marketing consultant should show you results they have had in the past and how they can apply those to your current situation.

These are just a few signs that an inbound marketing consultant can or cannot actually be of help to you and your company. Trust your instincts, ask the right questions, and most of all shop around. Don’t rush into a commitment and a contract if you aren’t 100% confident in the person’s abilities. 

5 Keys To Generating Leads

inbound-marketing-consultantCurrently, I have tissues piled up like children’s candy wrappers after last week’s Halloween festivities, I can’t breathe out of my nose and my constant sniffling seems to bring those around me at constant speculation of their overall well-being more than mine. My nose looks like Santa brought Rudolph to town a month and a half too early and the only presents around me are the meds I bought myself which are piled up higher than my tissues. I ran out of cough drops yesterday and have been consuming more Vitamin C than my body can physically handle.

In a nutshell, I’m sick.