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Blogging For Business: Scheduling Out Blogs With Your Team

Written by Laura Hogan | April 09, 2013

Not to rub it in but I’m about to leave for a sailing trip on a baller catamaran for a week island hopping in the British Virgin Islands. I’ve been trying to get my ducks in a row at work this week to prepare for my trip. I’ve been scheduling client’s blogs, getting emails scheduled, and letting clients know that I’m going to be out of town. But the most important thing I’ve been trying to do is getting our company’s blogging schedule to continue moving. Of course, it’s a little difficult to write 10 blogs (5 for this week, 5 for the next) all at once and schedule them out. I have a hard enough time writing one blog a day, let alone writing 10 at a time.

So how did I solve this problem? Enlist the help of my team of course! This scares me a bit since we’ve tried to do this before with all of us writing one blog a week. And we failed miserably. But I thought, hey let’s give it another shot and hopefully they’ll all pull through and help me out. Well, I suggested this on Friday and I’ve received one blog thus far. So, fingers crossed.

Ultimately, the point of this was so our traffic doesn’t dip. Blogging is incredibly important in any inbound marketing strategy and even more important is to blog on a regular basis. When your strategy gets put on hold and your blogging staggers, that’s when you’ll notice a dip in traffic.

I suggested to everyone that they write me a post on whatever it is that they wanted to blog about and I would optimize it for the best keywords. I did this because not everyone on the team is confident in their writing and if they write about what they are passionate about, they I’ll get better blog posts. It doesn’t take too much effort to optimize great writing, but it takes a bit more effort to fix a bad blog post.

So if you’re in charge of blogging and your leaving work for a few days, ask your team for some help and keep up that blogging strategy. 

Photo Credit:  digitalrob70 via Flickr