Inbound Marketing Resources for Business Owners | OverGo Studio

Mission Statement Tips For Any Marketing Strategy

Written by Laura Hogan | March 30, 2013

We build. We execute. You love. You Grow.

We love to build and execute marketing processes that stimulate growth for our clients.

Welcome to OverGo Studio’s newly developed mission statement! We worked hard on this guy for hours one Friday afternoon.  There were five of us sitting in a room and one of us on video chat all discussing what it is we like most about what we do and trying to form a mission statement off of that. Here’s what our very first brainstorm came up with…

  • Rick- He’s the bossman and likes helping other businesses grow- learning about new ways to market and how things are constantly changing with inbound marketing.
  • Kelly- She’s our content marketing manager and enjoys making websites better by following best practices.
  • Zack- He’s an account manager and likes looking at the reporting and campaign success, his exact words were actually “I like line graphs,” but that doesn’t exactly make the best mission statement.
  • Tony- He’s the head of video department and enjoys watching a client progress and do well. Since he’s our video guy he talked a lot about the creative side of the job.  
  • Cody- He is an account manager and really enjoys the analytics side of the job.
  • Laura- I’m an account manager and I like creating content and seeing how many people that content actually reaches.

Of course after this we had another few hours of conversation about what should be included. I heard a lot of “I like this word and that word but not this word or that word.” Or… “that word is too jargony.” Kelly attempted to throw the work “spark” in there and after about the 30-40th time trying to look up synonyms for some stupid word or another we came up with what we have now. I ended up spitting this out after telling everyone I wanted to blow my brains out if we didn’t come up with something quick. Then we expanded on it and it stuck. `

I think the lesson in this is that it doesn’t and shouldn’t take 5 minutes to come up with a statement that’s going to guide your company’s philosophy and be your company’s first impression on potential clients. And sometimes, when you want to quit and close the thesaurus, you just have to go a different direction and change up how you’re thinking.

As we went along I pulled up a list of Fortune 500 mission statements to get an idea of what they were like. Our absolute favorite was Nike's mission statement:

"To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world." This encompasses everything that they do whether it be creating shoes or sponsoring some of the best athletes in the world. We wanted something that could reflect all the different avenues we focus on or could focus on in the future. 

Some other really good mission statements:

  • American Standard's mission is to "Be the best in the eyes of our customers, employees and shareholders."
  • Becton, Dickinson, and Company: To help all people live healthy lives.
  • At Microsoft, we work to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential. This is our mission. Everything we do reflects this mission and the values that make it possible
  • OmniCare: Our business is pharmaceutical care. Our mission is positive outcomes.
  • The Hershey Company:  Undisputed Marketplace Leadership
Take these tips and examples and good luck coming up with your company's mission statement!