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Why Customer Reviews Are So Beneficial For Inbound Marketing Services

Written by Laura Hogan | March 05, 2013

There is a huge benefit for inbound marketing services when it comes to customer reviews whether they’re out there on the business review sites or placed around your website. One of the first things I look at when it comes to a service or product are the reviews that others have given it. This stems from my obsession with online shopping and the first few orders I made without reading the reviews. Who knew that a medium could run so insanely large? Oh, just about everyone who ordered it and wrote in the reviews to size down. I would have saved a ton of money in the last few years had I read more reviews and did less impulse buying.

So that’s why reviews are so important for businesses. In today’s day and age when things are tight and people don’t want to spend their money on just any product that boasts to be the biggest and the best. You need to prove it. And you can easily do it through talking to your clients or customers and getting their feedback on what you do for them.

Word of mouth is ultimately one of the oldest and most effect ways of marketing and influencing others. That’s exactly what testimonials are, word of mouth marketing that visitors to your website or those searching on Google can read from anywhere at any time.

So how exactly do customer reviews and rating affect your business?

  • Increase Sales
  • Establish Credibility
  • Understand Your Customers
  • Monitor and Improve Customer Service
  • Increase Traffic To Website
  • Increase Customer Loyalty

Need a little more convincing? Check out these stats on customer reviews:

  • 50+ reviews per product can result in a 4.6% increase in conversion rates
  • 63% of customers are more likely to purchase from a site which has user reviews
  • Website visitors who interact with reviews and customer questions/answers are 105% more likely to make a purchase
  • Genuine customer reviews are 12 times more trusted than product descriptions by the manufacturers


Now that you know why they’re so important, all you have to do is reach out to your customers or clients and ask them for a review. No need to offer them incentives or discounts, a simple email telling them how much you value their opinion and would like their opinion on your product or service will go a long way.  

Photo Credit: owenwbrown via Flickr