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How Halloween Can Help With Better Website Conversions

Written by Laura Hogan | October 31, 2012

Halloween is a pretty big holiday with people celebrating in many different ways. There’s trick-or-treating, costumes, carving pumpkins, bonfires, haunted houses, scary stories, and horror films. We carved some pumpkins about 2 weeks ago which started to mold before Halloween even got here. This made me think about how long content should sit before it starts to grow mold.  

Fortunately, mold doesn’t seem to grow in the internet world, which if you’re allergic, would make a great place to live. I hear they also don’t have dust, but even so your website content can still get old and effect website conversions. Here are some things you can do to prevent replacing that moldy content and instead just scraping the mold off and making it look good as new.

Refreshing your offers

This may not be needed for some of you. But we are in the works of dusting off our old offers and rebranding them. This is partly because I created our offers. I know, you may be thinking, “but you’re so talented how could they not look great?” Well, even though I have a way with words and the actual content is pristine; the images, layout, and branding aren’t so good looking. But this could be a good idea for any company. If your eBooks don’t all have a certain branding to them, it’s smart to revamp and get that mold off.

Refreshing blog posts

Do you have blog posts with old CTA’s on them? Do you have old posts that don’t have any inbound links or could use updated inbound links? This sounds like a pain to go back through and check on, but really what are interns for right? Just kidding, it’s something that should be done regularly. Don’t let those posts grow mold. I also find this beneficial because going through old blog posts can help me come up with ideas for new ones.

Website updates

I’ve said this before but websites should not be static brochures. They need to be updated and changed. What’s worse than going to a website that has old events up or the same offer still being promoted for months upon months? You might as well just tell your customers to walk away now because if you can’t take care of your own website then you probably can’t take care of them as a client. Obviously that’s not always true, but it tends to come off as that.

Social media updates

Any social media site with the last post being even 2 weeks ago is not good. Social media is a conversation and in order to be a part of it you should be doing something in it every day. You should always post your blog posts to your social media sites in order to promote your content and to participate. Pictures are also great for sharing, especially on Facebook. Updating cover photos can also be a good way to show people you are present, for the same reasons updating your website content is important.

Since today is Halloween, why don’t you eat a couple pieces of candy for extra energy and go onto your website to check how scary it may or may not be to your trick-or-treaters, I mean visitors.