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Lead Management Tips for More Qualified Business Leads

Written by Laura Hogan | August 14, 2013

Attracting leads is all good and fun, but if you don’t know how to manage those leads so you know which ones are actually qualified business leads then you’re letting your sales team waste a ton of their time and you’re wasting a ton of your resources.

Your website should contain advanced content that will guide your leads through the sales funnel. Top of funnel content will attract visitors to your site but these visitors will be in the research phase of the buying cycle. These offers should include generic information that answer questions and address pain points of your buyer persona. For example an eBook such as “5 Keys to Inbound Marketing” would be top of funnel. Your middle of the funnel offers will be more in depth information about specific processes and services that you provide such as a Pricing Guide. You could also think of case studies as middle of the funnel offers as well. Then we have bottom of the funnel offers which would be if someone requested a quote, consultation, or wanted to contact you directly for a conversation.

By implementing lead management, you can keep track of where your leads are in the funnel by what offers they’re downloading as well as certain characteristics about themselves.

Lead management includes the following:

  1. Workflows- The best way to move a lead through a sales funnel is to launch lead nurturing campaigns with a Workflow. Workflows allow you to trigger a follow-up email or a series of emails based on the action that a lead performs.
  2. Newsletter Creation- Newsletters are sent monthly and are a great extension to your company’s communication channels. They ensure that you stay in contact with potential and existing customers. Within these newsletters we include relevant articles and current offers that would be enticing to your contacts. We prepare one newsletter a month for your company to send out to your contacts.
  3. Lead Segmentation- All leads should not be treated equally. We can set up lead segmentation and place your leads in certain lists so we know who is in the research stage of the buying cycle and who is ready to buy. Lead segmentation is all about finding out who the most engaged leads are and how you can help them. We can create a lead segmentation system within HubSpot that will keep you on top of which leads are sales qualified.
  4. Lead grading- Lead grading allows you to attach a value to each of your leads based on their activity on your website. Lead grading can be assigned to numerous aspects of your marketing: advanced offers and contact characteristics. We assign points to your offers depending on where they fall in the sales funnel. We can also assign points to certain contact characteristics such as job title, company size, etc. Once a lead reaches a certain grade, you will be notified that they are sales ready.

So now that you know more about lead segmentation, stop passing off leads that aren’t ready to buy and wasting your sales team’s time. Keep track of your leads better and your sales team can spend more time talking to the leads that count. 

Photo Credit:  Tartan Neil via Flickr