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Prevent Your Next Marketing Crisis With This Business Process

Written by Laura Hogan | August 01, 2013

What exactly is a marketing crisis you ask? Great question, a marketing crisis can be anything from a bad performing piece of advanced content to a bad review or comment on social media. Maybe your Facebook ad didn’t go so well… it could be anything. And trust me, from a marketer who accidentally runs into inanimate objects, crises will occur.

Want to know how to best deal with them? Well it’s pretty simple, don’t mess up! You can completely avoid any crisis at all if you just know who it is you’re marketing to inside and out. So how do you do that you ask? Gosh, you ask so many questions! Well… the best business process is to create a buyer persona to figure out who the heck you need to be targeting!


Create your buyer persona before you begin any other marketing efforts. Don’t try to start creating content or running campaigns without knowing who you should be going after. Ever heard the term “it’s a shot in the dark?” Not many marketing tactics will work out if you’re not going after the right person.


Now that you’ve sat down to create your buyer persona, what should you include? Start with the basics: background, demographics, and identifiers. This can include their age, ethnicity, location, household, and things about their personality. Next, you can go into their goals and challenges. This is where you’ll get ideas for advanced content so go as in depth as you can. What are their pain points and how can your company alleviate them? Once you do that, list out some real customer quotes and objections that they may have for becoming one of your customers. These are going to be good things to address in top level content like blogs. At the very end of your marketing persona you should create your marketing message and your elevator pitch. These should be directed toward the specific audience that you outlined and be convincing enough to make them interested in your services, or even become a customer.


By creating a buyer persona you’ll have a resource that will tell you what your customers are thinking at all times.

Advanced Content

Want to know what your next piece of advanced content will be? Check out what you wrote in their buyer persona as to what their challenges are. You’ll find a plethora of topics to create content around and avoid coming up with a bad performing piece of advanced content.

Paid Ads

Wondering how to target those Facebook or LinkedIn ads? Go ahead and take a look at that buyer persona under background, demographics, and identifiers. You can target that ad depending on age, gender, job title, location, and those identifiers will help you target by interests.


I think the best way to create a buyer persona and answer the harder questions like pain points and common objections would be to talk to those who are in charge of sales. The ones who are constantly talking to potential clients and finding out what the most common objections and complaints are would be the best starting point. Another good place to find out more about your potential customers is on LinkedIn. There are tons of groups on LinkedIn crawling with potential customers actually willing to help you answer the questions you need answered.         


If you increase your awareness of who you’re targeting with your marketing, you won’t run into any kind of marketing crisis whether it be an unsuccessful piece of content or a bad paid advertisement.

Photo Credit: Picture Perfect Pose via Flickr