Content Management: How To Prioritize when you’re Over Stuffed with Content


Much like prioritizing what you are going to inhale first at thanksgiving dinner, you should prioritize your web content.  Content management is key. Below are 3 tips on how to prioritize your content.

1. Relevancy

If I were writing this article in July it wouldn’t make much sense would it? When it comes to content sitting in the pipeline, consider the relevancy of the piece.

  • Are their holidays coming up?
  • Is the content part of an upcoming event campaign?
  • Does it revolve around recent news stories or events?
  • Does the content support your current marketing efforts or campaigns?

2. Resources

Content management requires you to consider the resources you have to get the job done. If you want a specific piece published by a specific date, you will need to prioritize your resources.

Consider what kinds of resources your content needs:

  • Writer
  • Layout Artist
  • Graphic Design
  • Time
  • Money
  • PR

3. Goals

When you publish content, you should have goals in mind and your content should help you meet those goals. For example, The purpose of publishing 5 blog articles each week is to connect with your audience and help them to find you business via search, because you have a goal to grow organic traffic.  If you published a whitepaper the purpose would be to capture leads because you have a goal of more sales. Prioritize content by deciding which goals you want to meet first.

Content management, just like most business processes, should align with your overall business goals. Now go on and have a fantastic Thanksgiving, but don’t overdo it, prioritize your feast!

Business Processes

Photo Credit: ~! via Flickr

content management stuffingAunt Gladys just walked in with her prize winning roasted carrots, theres a turkey being carved, side dishes make their way to the table- stuffing, potatoes, gravy, corn, casseroles, sweet potatoes, green beans. Food overload! Where to start? Possibly with a serving of turkey first then a little helping of each side as you go or do you pile everything on your plate at once and dig in?